Starbucks Partner Development Plan – PDP

Ever feel a little lost when it comes to your Starbucks Partner Development Plan (PDP)? Many partners struggle with figuring out what areas to focus on and how to turn those goals into concrete steps for improvement. The PDP can also feel challenged when it comes to filling out the actual form. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the common challenges partners face with their PDPs and offer solutions to get you started. 

What is the Starbucks PDP?

The PDP is a collaborative effort between you and your store manager (SM). It outlines your career goals and identifies specific areas for growth. Think of it as a mutual agreement: you commit to developing your skills, and Starbucks invests in your journey.

Benefits of a Starbucks Partner Development Plan

Career Growth:

A well-defined PDP shows your initiative and commitment to Starbucks. It positions you favorably for promotions and leadership opportunities.

Skill Development:

Focusing on specific areas for improvement empowers you with valuable skills that benefit you both inside and outside of Starbucks.

Increased Confidence: 

Successfully achieving your Partner Development Plan goals promote a sense of accomplishment and enhance your confidence.

Different Aspects of a Starbucks Partner Development Plan (PDP)

A Starbucks Partner Development Plan (PDP) is a roadmap for Starbucks employees (partners) to achieve their professional and personal goals. It combines goal setting, development opportunities, and feedback mechanisms to empower partners on their growth journey. Here are different aspects of partner development plan starbucks:

Goal Setting:

  • SMART Goals: The PDP emphasizes setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. This ensures clarity, focus, and the ability to track progress.
  • Goal Alignment: Ideally, individual goals should align with team and store goals, encouraging a sense of collective achievement. The PDP helps partners understand how their aspirations contribute to the bigger picture.

Development Opportunities:

  • Training Programs: Starbucks offers various training programs tailored to develop diverse skill sets. The PDP helps partners identify relevant programs that bridge skill gaps and support their goals.
  • Mentorship: Mentorship programs connect partners with experienced colleagues for guidance and support. The PDP can facilitate finding a mentor aligned with the partner’s career aspirations.
  • Challenging Tasks: Taking on challenging tasks can accelerate learning and growth. The PDP can be a platform to discuss and identify stretch opportunities that push partners outside their comfort zone.

 Evaluation System:

  • Regular Reviews: The Starbucks PDP process encourages regular feedback conversations between partners and managers. This allows for course correction, recognizing achievements, and identifying areas for further development.
  • Self-Assessment: The Starbucks PDP should also incorporate self-assessment tools to encourage partners to reflect on their progress and identify areas for personal improvement.

Continuous Learning:

  • Growth Mindset: The PDP fosters a growth mindset, encouraging partners to view challenges as opportunities to learn and develop.
  • Learning Resources: Starbucks may offer access to various learning resources, including online courses, industry publications, or conferences. The Starbucks PDP can guide partners towards the most relevant resources for their development goals.

Starbucks Partner Development Plan Goals and Development Opportunities

Here are starbucks PDP examples with different partner role, goals and development opportunities:

Partner RoleGoals Development Opportunities 
BaristaImprove beverage consistency and speed of service.Participate in latte art training, attend mobile order efficiency workshops, observe a shift supervisor during peak hours.
Shift SupervisorCoach and develop baristas to improve customer service scores.Attend a leadership training program, mentor a new barista, participate in a feedback exchange program with another shift supervisor.
Coffee MasterExpand customer knowledge about brewing methods and coffee origins.Lead interactive coffee tasting sessions, research and present on new coffee regions, participate in coffee bean baking workshops.
Assistant Store Manager (ASM)Increase store sales by 5% through targeted marketing strategies.Complete online marketing certification course, observe the store manager during marketing planning meetings, analyze customer data to identify sales opportunities.
Store ManagerImprove employee morale and reduce turnover by 10%.Attend a workshop on employee engagement strategies, create a mentorship program for new partners, conduct regular team-building activities.


Starbucks professional development plan offer formal training, online resources, learn from others, level up your education and network growth.

  • Improve coffee knowledge by becoming a Coffee Master.
  • Enhance customer service skills by focusing on active listening.
  • Develop leadership qualities by taking on a shift supervisor training program.


Your Starbucks path is filled with endless possibilities for growth. The Partner Development Plan (PDP) is your guide to explore those possibilities and unlock your full potential. By setting clear goals, taking action, and leveraging the support of your manager, you’ll not only succeed in your current role but open the way for exciting career advancements.

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